Aiding the Respiratory Tract Herbally
Let's talk respiratory. A tendency towards respiratory problems is often diet related. Nutritional deficiencies, low zinc and magnesium levels are often present in cases of respiratory disease. A healthy diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, C and E are essential to good respiratory health. These nutrients protect the tract from infection and adverse effects of pollution. Another reason why fresh fruits and vegetables are so important to growing children and adults.
When our child suffers from respiratory issues it's a constant concern and quite emotionally wearing. In these cases try to avoid mucus-forming foods, and particularly wheat, milk, sugar and junk foods. Maximizing immunity and infection resistance can be accomplished by using herbs such as Echinacea, Garlic, Thyme, Ginger and Turmeric. Most of these herbs can be cooked into mealtime recipes.
Generally respiratory issues come with a cough as the bronchial system attempts to clear the irritants from the tract. Coughs can be debilitating, disturbing sleep and daytime routines, and causing side symptoms like sore throat and agitation. Dry coughs can be soothed effectively using marshmallow root or licorice root. These herbs are demulcent herbs and so are soothing to the entire system. They both are also useful for digestive imbalances, sore throat, and skin irritations. Elecampane, Cinnamon, Thyme and Ginger should be utilized when congestion is present. These herbs are expectorant and will assist in expelling and reducing mucus. Nervous coughs can be eased with relaxing herbs such as Lemon Balm and Chamomile. If you like to utilize essential oils try rosemary, rose, thyme, ginger or cinnamon in baths or steam treatments.
A famous and proven effective recipe for lung and chest congestion in children is from Rosemary Gladstar, and can be made into a tea, syrup or tincture. If your child suffers regularly from respiratory problems this is a great recipe to have on hand;
2 parts licorice root, 1 part echinacea, 1 part elecampane, 1 part cinnamon, 1/4 part ginger
In addition to the above information I urge you to note one herb in particular which is a traditional respiratory tonic (tones the system), AND it can be identified and harvested freely throughout the globe. This is ONE of the beautiful things about herbalism - that plants growing freely in our environment have the ability to assist our well-being so profoundly. RED CLOVER! Yes, those little red and white blooms and their leaves are rich in minerals, most notably calcium, nitrogen and iron. Traditionally these blooms and leaves ARE blood builders that detoxify and purify the blood and body, respiratory and skin specific, and are known to clear cysts, tumors and fibroids. You simply cannot go wrong by eating Red Clover blossoms or making a tea from parts gathered, fresh or dried (AND it tastes good). I challenge you to become a wildcrafter - next spring search your pathways for red clover blossoms and become a home herbalist for your families health, wealth and well-being!
P.S. Avoid gathering herbs within 30' of roadways, or where chemical applications may occur or along dog routes ;-/
Credit to Rosemary Gladstar and Anne McIntryre