Shout Outs
Our Clients Speak Out About Sun.Rae HERBALS
Our family has used many of Sun.Rae Herbals products. Dee got us involved with herbals when we had our first child. We bathed her in herbs her entire first year and it helped relax her and keep her free from illness. I swear by the Babys Booty. Our daughter was diaper rash free until the age of one. Since then we have used all of the skin balms with much success, and our little one even likes the teas. You really can't go wrong with these herbal products. The best part is knowing Dee is always available for consultation and will create anything you need when you need it. We recommend you give Sun.Rae HERBALS a try.
~ Hanna
This woman has a gift from God, knowing what to mix and put together to get you a healthy and natural fix. I suffer with extremely painful arthritis in both of my hands. I work with my hands and am also an artist, so I need to use my hands daily in many ways. She concocted a tea for me called " Working Artist Tea". Took the pain from my hands. I also use her "Ocotillo" for the healthy gut. I am needing some of that right now. I am to the point in my life I prefer to do what I can naturally with out BIGPHARMA. She has a gift with her talents.
~ Jinny
Just ordered my go to lemon facial toner from Sun.Rae HERBALS. This stuff is the REAL DEAL. My skin is clearer, less irritated and actually seems like its glowing PLUS it's all natural made right here in Arizona. GO check out the new facial kit plus much more!
~ Brooke
My dad had several issues in his 90's. He had a bleeding ulcer that Dee remedied with an herbal syrup. He was like a kid in a candy shop asking for his medicine because it tasted so good, but the cool part is it stopped the bleed within two weeks. After that he had a tumor on his arm. He was picking at it. Dee made a drawing salve and we used it religiously for like a week and that tumor came right out of the skin. Amazing to witness these things that the plants do. We are believers because we have seen it work!
~ Kenny
I was on heart and high blood pressure medication until my insurance plan ran out. I turned to Dee. She made a vinegar tincture that did such a great job balancing my blood pressure and toning my heart that I no longer take any medication and am healthier than before!
~ Lyle
Dee is a poised overseer of nerve-wracking transitions and a canny scout who is skilled at tracking down scare resources. She can help you acquire the information and enhancements you don't quite have the power to get by yourself. When conditions are murky or perplexing, this plucky soul is enterprising and inventive.
I would Love To Give a Shout Out To Dee Norleen...Sun.Rae Herbals...She's amazing!...Check her out!...She's very knowledgeable And has helped me out Greatly!...Thank You Dee
