Don't Pass Up the Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is an herb that simply doesn’t get enough attention. I’m gathering leaves for next weeks visit with the kids, and plan to make smoothies for the family.
This aromatic herb buffers the nervous system by its volatile oils. These oils are a mild relaxant which equally effect the mind, heart and solar plexi in a cooling, relaxing way. A great plant medicine to use for those terrible twos for both children and parents, this herb offers better mental clarity and viral protection, too. Lemon Balm is cooling, and thus useful for dissipating heat in the body, especially in the throes of summer. A great tea formula for those hot summer days is equal parts lemon balm, peppermint and lavender.
Many of you will find Lemon Balm growing freely in your surroundings. It’s a member of the mint family which means it works to eliminate digestive gas and to assist digestive processes. Plants in the mint family have a square stem, a helpful identifying factor.