USNEA - Wlderness Medicine

USNEA lichen. Know it, use it.

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You’ll find it at higher elevations parasitically growing on evergreens. Wilderness medicine at its finest. You can save a life using it to pack an open wound. Literally disinfects, staunches bleeding and promotes healing.
USNEA has been used for 1000’s of years, proven more powerful than penicillin in fighting certain bacteria strains. An excellent remedy by tincture for serious infections. This is one of nature’s natural antibiotics, an antimicrobial immune stimulant that clears staph, pneumonia, strep cellulitis, bronchitis... you get the picture!
Whether it’s bacterial, viral or fungal this powerful wilderness medicine will help. Cold, flu, fatigue, urinary tract and bladder infections ... this plant is your first aid in herbal apothecary! #usnea #wildernessmedicine #firstaid #useit #plantmedicine #firstresponders #healyourself #itsfree #natureprovides

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