Nature Is Where Our Healing Lies

News — Pharmaceuticals and You


I love Calendula. Maybe it’s the bright yellow/orange flower, but maybe Calendula just calls to me. When I first learned about Calendula I was taught ‘Calendula is for everything skin related’. And so I began utilizing it as a skin healer because it’s vulnerary and astringent properties do heal and soothe skin traumas. But now I know so much more about the plant. Calendula is a great herb for people whose state of mind worsens on cloudy damp days. It has an affinity for the following organ/body systems; lymphatic, immune, digestive, skin, liver/gall bladder, and female reproductive. An excellent herb...

A Testimonial to the Benefits of Herbal Health Care

  Years ago I was going through a major life transition.  The stress of the circumstances seemed tolerable but they wreaked havoc on my system. I'd always felt myself to be indestructible so the symptoms I was experiencing created an overwhelming fear within me.  With no health care plan and a great desire to rectify the situation I turned to natural remedies. At first I was simply searching for a cure. But the more I delved into the power of plants the more captivated I became. As a landscape designer and novice botanist my love for plants was longstanding, but...