Nature Is Where Our Healing Lies

News — SunRae Herbals

Chamomile: The GREAT Soothing Anti-Inflammatory Herb

What we can do with Chamomile. Most of us can find chamomile tea in the cupboard. This herb is a wonderful children’s herb and a veritable healing marvel. Chamomile is a nervine herb, which means it builds and tones the nervous system. It is one of the BEST herbs for colicky babies. Chamomile is a powerful anti-inflammatory. It literally ‘takes the edge off’ emotionally and physically. It promotes digestion and reduces gas, soothes sore, achy muscles, relaxes a spastic colon, hyperactivity and eliminates insomnia. Chamomile relieves heartburn, pain in headaches, migraines, flu, arthritis and gout. It is used in fighting...

Herbal Actions and Us

All herbs can be categorized by their actions. Each herb has a unique description of actions and energetics, and generally we find that herbs overlap the boundaries of these descriptions.  When we formulate herbal remedies we seek to ascertain a whole-body analysis of the individual.  We want to know whether the person runs hot or cold, moist or dry, what their sleep, diet and exercise patterns are, what is their mental state and their emotional triggers, their medical history and current medications.  This individual health assessment allows us to match the herbs to the bodies needs for balance.  Once a...

Boosting the Immune System for Illness Prevention During Cold & Flu Season

Learning to support the immune system as a preventative measure can help us to avoid the need for immune suppressing over-the-counter medicines during periods of illness.  Our lifestyles effect the immune system by 80%, so forming healthy habits is key to a healthier life. Preventing illness begins with our daily regimen beginning in early childhood when exposure to infectious agents is beneficial in developing our immune systems adaptability to allergens and disease.  Sleep is critical in making antibodies, laughter and forest therapy boost natural killer cell activity, exercise increases delivery of nutrients to our cells and helps eliminate metabolic waste,...

Why Sun.Rae HERBALS?

Donna Norleen

Tags Bio Organic Lifestyles, SunRae Herbals, Welcome

Welcome to our homegrown business born out of a passion to share the power of plant medicine!  As long time plant people, we went from utilizing plants aesthetically in landscape designs to utilizing them for their powers to heal. Our journey in plant whispering led us to this business named for our future herbalists, our granddaughters.  We are passionate about reconnecting people with nature and the many values hidden in the weeds.  Herbal medicine is alive and real and just outside our doors.  We have witnessed the herbs draw tumors from the skin, heal bleeding ulcers, quickly repair rashes and...